‘What are you doing with the investment that God has placed in you?’
I grew up hearing and repeating the same prayer every Sunday morning during the morning service, every Sunday night during the evening service, and at other services throughout the week. As a child, I didn’t fully understand the power of the message in the prayer. But reflecting on these words as an adult, I now realize that the repetition of that prayer lingered into my adulthood, and the truth of those words came alive in me. The words that stand out are the closing words of the prayer: “by the power, ability, and authority of the Almighty God invested in me.” These words tell me that I can call things into their rightful place, aligning them with the divine design God intended. In other words, things can be brought back into the order God intended.
So, if that investment is part of God’s idea of us being made in His image and likeness, and His investment includes the works and greater works that God did… my question is, what are you doing with the awesome investment placed within you during your formation and the life given to you?
For many of us, it’s like an unwatered seed lying dormant within. This divine investment activates when the spiritual laws of God’s Word water it. In other words, our awareness, realization, and acceptance of the spiritual laws of life set us free from the learned experiences of our human nature—our flesh. Furthermore, God’s Word serves as our guide, leading us to the investment and activating it for growth. His Word says in Jeremiah 29:13, ‘Seek me and you shall find me.’ Let me add this… He is not hiding.
Our hunger and thirst for righteousness with God guides us to a place of fulfillment in Him. In that state, we move beyond our fleshly knowledge and understanding, stepping into the true essence of a new spiritual life. From this spiritual awakening, we achieve true understanding and the meaning of living in Him, moving in Him, and having our very being awakened in Him.
It is from that place of ultimate inward heart awareness that the activation of all the power God has invested in us manifests outwardly. We get to speak to the mountain and watch it move. We can call those things that are not as though they were, because they are. The manifestation of those things appears when the investment God created in us is activated. Reiterating the power of faith, our belief in the spiritual laws as our sole truth surpasses the made-up laws we’ve given to our human senses. We are spiritual beings on a human journey, not the other way around.
To illustrate this further, the Word of God repeatedly tells us in many different ways that the only power that exists is the spiritual power derived from God’s spiritual laws. For instance,“the things that are impossible with men are possible with God.” “Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” “Meditate day and night on the Word.” “Faith, (an inward dealing), is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.”
The only way something outside of God's intention gains power is if we give it power by believing it has power and speaking as if it does. There is only one power, and that is God's power. What we choose to believe is our choice, and our belief gives power to it.
It’s in the choice of words we use, the thoughts we entertain, and the focus we place on things that attempt to steal, kill, and destroy the truth of the investment God placed within us.
The investment is God Himself, but we must accept that investment as our truth. We have to die daily to self-awareness by learning and receiving the spiritual laws on a heart level and walking in them. Jesus is our greatest example He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”
Well, who is Jesus? He is the Word that became flesh and walked among us to demonstrate God’s original intention for us and the design by which we are to live.
What is the Word, or where did the Word come from? “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” So, God, who is the Word, presented Himself as Jesus, His Son, giving us the opportunity to walk and live in the space He originally created for us, following the spiritual laws He set for us.
This thought takes us to a deeper place in understanding. Everything God made is good. His purpose for man was to worship Him in spirit and in truth. Walking in the spiritual laws, in my opinion, is a form of worshiping God in spirit. Since God is the way, the truth, and the life, we are also worshiping Him in truth.
When we live in the spirit, the power invested in us has full control over life’s situations. But we must not waver or be double-minded. Doctors diagnose, but God has said healing and health are our truth. Believing in anything but the truth of God’s plans opens the door to believing in two powers. Whose report will you believe when confronted with afflictions and mountains on the path? Many are afflicted, but God has already established the outcome.
We are God’s greatest creation, and His investment in us must be realized, acknowledged, fed, and watered through daily hunger, thirst, meditation, and surrender of all things. My question to you again is, what are you doing with the investment God has placed within you?